How Can I Become a Christian?
You become a Christian by believing the Scriptures which say that Jesus is God’s only divine Son. Jesus became a man and visited the Earth he made to save every one of us from our sinful rejection of God by dying on a cross.
By nature we ignore God and do what we want instead of loving and obeying Him. We are His broken creation and we no longer work right. God, our Creator, has every right to throw us away – but He decided instead to send Jesus to die on a cross and rise from the dead so He could remake us and fix what was broken!
When Jesus died on the cross He gave His life as a sacrificial offering to God the Father to pay the price for sin. Sin is rebellion, disobedience, rejection of God as our Creator. It separates us from God and it requires a blood offering to be paid for-that’s what Jesus did.
Jesus paid the price for our sin; He made it possible for all of us to have a new eternal life-one that pleases God-but only some of us will receive it. In order for you to receive eternal life with God – you must believe.
You must believe that you are not right with God. You must believe that you are headed for painful agonizing torment and separation from God for all eternity if you don’t get right with Him. You must believe that God has made a way out for you through Jesus. You must believe that Jesus is the way out of Hell and into a new life of joy and peace in the presence of God.
Do you believe this?
If you do, this is how you show it.
Confess your sins to God and ask for His forgiveness. It is impossible to be right with God without properly dealing with sin. Sin is against God; sin keeps us from God. The only way sin can be dealt with is that it must be forgiven – only God can do that. The only way your sin can be forgiven is that it must be confessed – only you can do that. There is no sin you can give to God that He won’t forgive – but there is no sin He will forgive that you give to Him. Tell God you agree with Him. Tell Him you admit you are a sinner. Name your sins to Him. Ask Him for forgiveness – Jesus died for it, and God is waiting for you!
Repent from your old way of life. The old life must be forsaken – the way you used to think, the decisions you used to make, the actions you used to take- you must let them go. Only you can do this-no one else can do this for you. God has given you the freedom to choose the direction in which your life will go – either to Him or away from Him. You must decide the path you will take. You must decide to become a disciple of Jesus. You must make the choice to change.
Submit to God’s will and live by His Word. Yield to the Holy Spirit and live your life in obedience to God. It starts with Baptism – a public declaration that you have accepted Jesus and will follow Him for the rest of your life. It continues with discipleship-learning about Jesus and allowing the Bible to be the standard for what we believe and how we live in fellowship with other believers. It is a life of spiritual warfare, to be sure, but God has also promised us victory in Jesus! As we walk with Him He will lead us, encourage us and empower us to live in holiness and gratitude to God.
Christianity is not a religion; it is not a title; it is not an event – it Is a partnership with Jesus, a fellowship with Him. It is a new way of living that you decide to take on, realizing that you can only do it if God’s Spirit lives in you and does it with you. If you are willing to walk this path, come and see us – we’d love to help you on the Way!