CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS2020-07-30T06:54:27-04:00


1303, 2024


By |March 13th, 2024|

THE WORLD IS CHANGING... The world is changing so fast, it is hard to keep up. Optimism is met with skepticism when many people think about the future. According to ancient Bible Prophecies, these are “THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES.” The Rapture Vision Play is an original theatrical production about the next event on God’s prophetic calendar when Jesus Christ raptures the church. It follows several individuals as their personal histories, motivations and decisions are revealed and lead each of them to their final, eternal destination. A live performance is set for Saturday, April 13, 2024.  This play [...]

1210, 2023


By |October 12th, 2023|

It's Time to Raise the Roof! Imagine singing "Let It Rain" in the congregation on Sunday... ¯Open the floodgates of heaven....¯ ¯let it rain...¯ Then all of a sudden, you feel raindrops on the top of your head.  That was almost us.  God has blessed us with a tremendous worship center, but it comes with the responsibility to maintain it so that we can use it for ministry in His name.  Our physical building has some pressing concerns.  The roof and HVAC systems must be replaced, and we simply must raise $50,000 to address those concerns and replace some [...]

1407, 2023

Sunday School, Daily Reading Schedule on Shiloh.com

By |July 14th, 2023|

The current Sunday School lesson and a daily Scripture reading schedule are now available on the Shiloh website at https://www.shilohnewark.com/learn. To access first go to the Shiloh website (https://shilohnewark.com) then click on the "Learn" menu (or on the Learn @ Shiloh button).  The Study School lesson Title and a daily ready schedule will be ready for you to use.  Clicking on the Sunday School lesson title will take you to a page where the devotional reading, background, and printed text passages for the lesson are listed.


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