This is an Awesome Series!
For most of my Christian life, I've been told what NOT to do as a Christian. Finally...I know what I should be doing!
New Bible Study Series Starts WEDNESDAY!
In most if not all fields, one must train in order to become good at what they do. Being a Christian is no different. Becoming [...]
Worship Is On(line) Sundays at 12 Noon
While the church remains on ERP Level III (Black), the worship center is closed for worship services. Worship services are being observed online Sundays starting [...]
Maintain Your Church Membership Online!
Now more than every it is even more important for us as believers to make sure that we stay in contact with each other. At [...]
Church Announcements Now Available Online
The importance of remaining connected as a church body in these days cannot be stressed too much. Church announcements will be made available online to [...]
Donate Safely and Securely Online via PayPal
The ShiLEARN Online Tutorial System (ShOTS) is a series of tools designed to equip and empower the believer to engage in ministry in the 21st [...] Is Back Online!!!
Our site upgrade is finally complete, and our site has been fine tuned to help us continue in ministry! Stay tuned for announcements, alerts [...]
The Walk with God Series is a six-part instructional video series desgined to strengthen, encourage and build up the body in walk with God. Topics [...]