Series: Discovering Your Divine Calling

Scriptures: Luke 2:36–38; Acts 2:16–21; Acts 21:8–9

Your divine calling is a vocation – something that we hear – rather than an occupation (something that takes up our time) or a profession (something we think/conclude/say about our reason for existing). Most people don’t know why they exist because they fail to get their calling from God. You can occupy your time without spending time with God…you can decide and declare your own purpose for your life without spending time with God…but you cannot hear from God without spending time with God. You will NEVER know your calling apart from spending time with God.

The Office vs. the Gift

The office of prophet is mostly Old Testament. The office of prophet was reserved for a man who was overshadowed by the Spirit of God for a short time to deliver a divine message. When the task was accomplished, the Spirit would leave the man. In the church, after the resurrection, the Spirit permanently indwells all believers. The gift of prophecy is in effect in the church. It is the ability to speak a word of encouragement that will build others up and edify them. Everyone can exercise that gift as the Spirit give unction. But prophesying is not speaking an authoritative Word on God’s behalf. Prophesying does not make one a prophet any more that making dinner makes one a chef or putting out a candle makes someone a firefighter. All prophets prophesy, but not everyone who prophesies is a prophet. The key is that there is a difference between the office and the gift. Many who exercise the gift mistake this for being in the office (Office – Old Testament; Gift – New Testament).

“There’s a difference between the office and the gift.”

Dedication to God

Anna (Luke 2:36-38) had dedicated herself to the service of God after being widowed 7 years after her marriage. She remained dedicated to God in the temple, fasting and praying until she saw Jesus brought into the temple by His parents (at that time she was 84). Her dedication to God made her sensitive to Christ and led her to her calling. Here we learn that one’s calling does not always come from a burning bush or the shekinah in one’s room – it comes from being dedicated to God.

The Biblical Basis of Prophesying

Peter shares that the disciples who were in the upper room in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit first indwelt the church were a fulfillment of the New Covenant, which ushered in a new era and a new way of God working in an amongst his people – the Spirit would be given to believers directly instead of only resting on a leader, and all believers would have the responsibility to encourage others and share what God has said from His word with others as the Spirit leads. Here we discover the biblical basis of our calling to prophesy – to preach – to share the word of God with others. It comes from God’s Word and His promise.

Context Clarifies Your Calling

In Acts 21:8-9 we find Philip, an evangelist who had four daughters, young women who shared the gospel underneath His authority. Because they were in Phillip’s household, their calling was viewed through His. They assisted their father in spreading the word of God. Here we see that ones calling works in harmony with the authority God has established. As one submits to that authority they can find their calling.

Discovering Your Calling

In order to discover our calling we must draw close to God and dedicated ourselves to Him regardless of our circumstances. We must submit to the authorities that God has established, trusting Him to work through them to help us discover our calling. And finally, we must look in the Word and listen in the Spirit for the voice of God – He will confirm our calling. But yes, we are ALL called to prophesy – to spread the GOOD NEWS!